Bismark: What a goofy guy he is. Besides loving apples more than life itself, Bismark loves to sniff people’s butts! I can attest to this because the two times I have met him, he has goosed me each time… pleasure to meet you Bismark!!! The previous owner bought him at an auction that didn’t know if he was 4 years old or eleven. So he may be a senior citizen at this point. Thus far he has protected his herd of Scottish Highland Cows from coyotes and other critters quite admirably.
In my more than twenty-five years of being a commercial photographer I have seen images printed on almost every single substrate imaginable. And in that time I have never seen prints that look as stunning as these aluminum prints. They come alive in a way that I did not think possible. As one gallery owner I showed these to exclaimed, “It is like looking out a window!” They are truly unique in the way they shine when well lighted. So when you buy one of these prints, please make sure to light them generously!